29 January 2011

Sala kahle

(This is what I didn't write yesterday because I was being responsible and packing.)

Salani kahle! Ngizonikhumbula nonke. Sizobonana ngoNhlangula.

Important lesson #2: Zulu is an awesome language.

In Zulu, instead of just saying goodbye, the person who's leaving says "stay well" and the person who's staying says "go well." Salani kahle means stay well (addressing more than one person). The verb ukukhumbula means both to miss and to remember, so ngizonikhumbula means I will miss you all and remember you all. The month of June in traditional Zulu is uNhlangula (though they also use uJuni), which means that the trees have started to drop their leaves. The translation of what I said is "Stay well. I will miss/remember you all. We will see each other in June," and it just comes out awesomely in Zulu.

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