29 January 2011

Ngikhona eGoli.

My luggage and I have arrived in Johannesburg! We're spending the night here (we being me and Becky, not me and my luggage). We went straight from the airport to the hotel, so I haven't seen much South Africa, but here are the few differences compared to Indiana that I've noticed.

It's summer. When we landed, the pilot said it was 78 degrees F.
Cars drive on the left side.
Lots of people aren't speaking English. There are 11 official languages in South Africa, but I just know I've heard Afrikaans, some Nguni language, and the guy who loaded our bags into the hotel shuttle said he was speaking to someone he passed in Pedi, but he knows 10 languages.
There are palm trees.
The money doesn't have people on it.

Each bill has one of the big five animals (we're missing the ZAR200 with the leopard).

The rand coins are silver and have antelope sorts of things, and the cent coins are gold and have plants. Underrepresented as always, fungi, protists, and bacteria are absent from the currency
You have to flip little switches to make the outlets work.
 Our hotel room is kind of weird.

Here's the key in the bathroom door

and a mysterious window/shoot that opens behind the shelves. The toilet paper has little dogs on it...

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