27 May 2011

Easter Vacation

South Africans know what they’re doing when it comes to holidays and time off from school. Starting at the end of April, we had a 13-day vacation, which included Good Friday, Easter, Freedom Day (celebrating the anniversary of the democratic elections on 27 April 1994), and that holiday on the 1st of May which I’ve been referring to as Communist Day, but apparently is actually called Workers’ Day. As “Communist Day” was observed on the last day of our vacation, I spent it writing a paper about democracy in South Africa. This is almost ironic, except that there’s a tripartite alliance between the ANC (the dominant post-apartheid political party), the Coalition of South African Trade Unions, and the South African Communist Party.

Anyway, I spent this luxuriously long vacation travelling to Cape Town. I rode a tourist bus staying in backpackers’ hostels in several cities along the way, and after five days in Cape Town flew back to Pietermaritzburg. We started out with 12 Americans on the bus but broke up and recombined along the way. Here are most of us: Caroline, Alyssa, Susan, me, Joelle, Becky, Maria, Andrea, and Kelly.

After deleting the bad ones, I ended up with 484 photos (16% of which are of penguins), so I’ve been quite intimidated by writing about this experience, but I think now I have a plan for how to divide it up. Here we go.

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